I know it will delight some of you out there that I'm not sleeping. I know who you are, and I forgive your delight in my insomnia. It was a bad combination of stereo snorers, an immovable canine lump stategically placed, an overly efficient comforter, the new glow of my Ipad charger/alarm clock, and an unusually active mind. I do prefer to sleep, but hey, why fight it? Actually writing the blog title reminded me of something I attribute to my brother--Up in the night--he used that to describe someone who is a few screws loose, not typing with all the keys, a bubble short of plumb, not playing with a complete deck. All of which I guess describe me during 90% of my waking hours. I headed on over to catch up on some blogs. Jana Riess keeps cropping up in blogposts and Goodreads. Interesting. She's a name I hadn't thought of for awhile. In case you don't know her, Jana is the author of a book I'm currently reading,
Flunking Sainthood. She has a bachelor's from Wellesley (where my friend Anna introduced her to the church), a master's from Princeton, and a PhD from Columbia. Her area of expertise is religion--lots and lots of degrees and time spent writing about religion. Plus she's funny. I met Jana in our ward in Princeton when she came back to visit once. We had a delightful conversation about Mormon kitsch--one of her pet subjects as well. Head on over for the fun.
http://www.missnemesis.blogspot.com/ Alright, who's been messing with Blogspot? This probably won't even publish. My HTML cannot be accepted. Tag is not closed. Huh??? I shall cowboy on and hope this gets resolved.
Paco brought home a dandy composter from Logan today as well as a deluxe chicken feeder. He's going into warp speed to get the fencing and gates up so the Philosophers can return (they've been wintering down the road)--probably just in time for shearing! I've missed them. Rumor has it that someone's preggers...I think alpaca gestation is probably similar to llama gestation in which case very possibly we could have a baby alpaca mid Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Lake winter. Perhaps the canine lump on our bed will have to share sleeping room with a camelid lump...We wouldn't be the first to cohabit with baby animals born out of season. I'm just saying...it could happen. Probably not so much the bed thing but possibly a box by the fire.
In other news--there really isn't any that I can mention here. I don't feel inclined to rant this morning. I don't have any recipes to post. I really have no business taking up the webspace here.
I need advice about cheating in school. It's a constant fly I keep trying to alleviate, but it just keeps buzzing around my ear. Being honest is such "entry level human behavior" to me that I almost have no place for it on my radar screen, so when it DOES show up (which believe me is frequently), I'm taken aback. Sometimes I catch it personally, and then I run the risk of going nuclear right then and there. More often I get little notes on my desk, or a student pulls me aside and informs me. Today I got one of each, so I DO need to act. Any long term solution suggestions?
I won 3 firestarters in the recent library contest. I read about 20 books this year from January 15-ish to April 15. What I won't do for a ticket in a glass jar and the anticipation of possibly winning something. Last year I read 40 and won a great large bottle of lotion. The year before I won an apron and a Farkle game. High stakes here.
I need to "get up" in about 50 minutes. Ugh. Aargh.
I'm thinking of starting another blog somewhere--maybe focus on one particular subject. Branching out. Maybe assuming another identity and toying with people.
I supported a mother today as we met with school administrators to discuss her son. Why does a parent with a child at the top of the game need to fight for services while a parent with a handicapped child is protected under a mile of government mandates? The great state of Idaho decided a decade ago not to fund gifted programs. Come again????????? And they obtained the joints they were smoking at the time from whom???
Here's something purely charming that I encountered in an autobiography today. I wish you could meet this kid--I've taken a liking to him. Enjoy.
"If you didn't know, my family is a nuclear bomb waiting to blow. We mostly try to avoid family outings together. We just get in fights--a little fist action, and it gets out of hand. We have to get the guns out. Outings would only end in a riot. At minimum, a fight will usually end with a black eye. Sometimes we end up crouched over someone in the ER. In fact, we have been to the ER so much the hospital was going to name a wing after our family As I said before, my family shouldn't have family get-togethers unless there's enough food to occupy us so we don't notice each other. So, we don't have family traditions. If we did it would just mean more hospital bills." (I love the part about being crouched over someone in the ER!)
Check out hugelcultur! Gardening is such an adventure, isn't it? We're putting an 80 foot one of these across the front of our house!!!!
Detecting some light out there. I'm scared to death to push publish. This may all disappear. Cross your fingers. Here goes!!!!