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Friday, November 5, 2010

Grammar Check

I'm starting to see a grammar indiscretion more and more. People put two independent clauses together with just a comma. For instance: The sun rose in the east, I got out of bed.
If you encounter that along your way, would you please correct it? Feel free to ridicule or threaten. What I find works best for me in seventh grade are oversized red slashes and a small demeaning statement like "You're going to want to reproduce someday. With grammar like this, I will personally intervene." Incidentally, when you have two independent clauses you can do one of three things: 1)add a comma and a conjunction 2)put a period and make two separate sentences 3)join the two clauses with a semi-colon. You're welcome.


Season said...

Thanks for the lesson. I do believe that comma placement has always been the bane of my grammatical undertakings.

Jill said...

It never ceases to amazing me the lack of good grammar on FB. Drives me crazy! I may make some grammatical errors too, but I try really hard to be proper. :)Feel free to correct me if you feel the need.

Becca said...

This is one of my major pet peeves. I join with you in your eradication efforts.

Laura said...

This was a very timely post. I helped my husband edit an application letter, and this quick grammar refresher came in very handy. Thanks! :)

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