I could barely utter my own name yesterday and spent a good deal of the day thinking how glorious it would be to pass on to the other side. But I took great comfort in knowing that "they to whom I have passed on my genes" were celebrating in the traditional style. Had I been able to match a costume to the antics of the swine flu in my body, I would have truly scared the tights off of one and all...

Out Maryland way


Over in Colorado

Down in Happy Valley

I am so sorry you are fighting the nasty crud going around..... and to think they said, "When pigs fly?!" Seems to me we have swine flying in every direction. LOL Hope you get back on your feet very soon! I love the halloween pics. The Incredibles are adorable. It's my turn to catch up with blogging..... I ignored it all summer long. Take care and call me or write if you need anything at all! Get well xox Ljc
I'm SO sorry you have the swine flu! I have to keep reminding myself it is a good thing I'm so busy. I don't have time to slow down long enough to get sick! What wonderful costumes in the pictures.
That's crazy you have the swine flu. I hope you get better soon. You have some really creative costumes in your family, and I'm sure yours would have been just as hilarious.
Hope you feel better soon. Love all the costumes (it seems your children got your creative genes) but my favorite is Merlin and Mad Madam Mim. Sword in the Stone is one of my all-time favorite Disney movies. I force my children to watch it. Now I'm singing to myself "Hockety Pockety Wockety Wak. . . " Love it!
Hi Mrs. Hadd it's Frankie. I hope you get better soon. Everyone in class misses you! I really like the crazy wizard costume.
I'm so sorry your sick. If you need any cheering up, I would be more than happy to drive out with the kids. We've already had it, so I'm fairly certain we can't get it again. Let us know. We will continue to send well wishes your way.
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