Greetings and similar salutations of the day!
I'm a rookie blogger, but I am probably going to discover that every day of my life so far has led me to this blog page! Finally a place to vent, create, and bend ears (or eyes as the case may be). You the gentle reader can zip in or out and I can continue on as if the whole world is waiting for my next and every word! I hope to pick up some knitters along the way as well as a good sampling of teacher and traveler types. Can we print these things off???? So now what do I do? How do I attract readers? Hey Everybody!!! Free punch and cookies at the Mad Hadder's blogsite!
I need to figure out how to post pictures, videos, recipes, knitting patterns etc. This would be a great thing for my students. Daily journal writing! So who wants to give me Blog lessons???? Amy! Tanner! Laurel! Help!!!!!